Thursday, March 6, 2008

Are Americans Losing Their Religion?

Jonesboro, argon (KAIT) -- Nearly half of American grownups are leaving behind their faith from childhood to switch over their spiritual association or abandon religion altogether.

That statistic is according to a recent survey by the Pew Forum on Religion and Populace Life.

"If both parents are really involved in their faith, than the teen be givens to travel into their grownup old age and remain in their religion tradition," said Dr. Bruno Walter Norvell.

Dr. Bruno Walter Norvell now learns at William Carlos Williams Baptist College, but spent 20 old age in young person ministry.

He states teens, for example, may wander from religion because of alteration in environment like going to college, a alteration in equal groups, or because they don't experience a connexion to the congregation.

"You set a whole clump of those factors together, or you take a whole clump of those factors you can see why a few stay, but why many of them travel away," said Dr. Norvell.

In fact, the Pew Forum survey happens mainline Protestant Churches are on the decline.

"The figure of people who state they have got no spiritual association is growing and non denominational Christian churches are gaining popularity.

"Many non denominational Christian churches are where people who just have got problem adjustment in, fit. It's kind of like where misfits can's a cool thing," said Nevin Gnagey.

Nevin Gnagey curates Grace Community Church.

He states a batch of modern times people go to non-denominational churches for something, perhaps different than what they grew up with.....but still he states they have got a cardinal philosophy of belief in the Bible.

"So it may be that some of these Christian churches actually may name people up to greater religion and belief than some of the mainline denominations," said Dr. Norvell.

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