Thursday, January 31, 2008

Spiritual Momentum

I love the old proverb that for every little measure you take toward God, Supreme Being takes a giant measure toward you. I love it because although it might perpetuate our mythologized and humanized Supreme Being in the incorrect hands, it offers a utile Negro Negro spiritual rule in the right hands.

You see, with every determination you make, no substance how small, you are generating spiritual momentum. With every determination you make, no substance how small, you are focusing the limitless originative potentiality of the existence in support of a certain way for your life.

And the limitless originative potentiality of the existence is immune to earthly law.

So while from an earthly perspective, every little measure you take toward your good conveys you one little measure closer to your good, from a Negro spiritual perspective, every little measure you take toward your good conveys serendipities and support and miracles well beyond your human capacity to engineer.

That's why it's so of import to lose the first lb from that vacation feast. That's why it's so of import to do the first sedimentation into that inactive nest egg account. That's why it's so of import to pay the first measure in that delinquent pile.

You see, with every determination you make, no substance how small, you are generating Negro spiritual momentum. With every determination you make, no substance how small, you are focusing the limitless originative potentiality of the existence inch support of your copiousness or in support of your poverty; in support of your wellness or in support of your dis-ease; in support of your freedom or in support of your bondage.

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