Monday, February 18, 2008

Spiritual Growth Requires Using Our Non-Physical Senses

The procedure of life is merely the procedure of Supreme Being in physical form. Most spiritualty information takes you to this logical conclusion. Advanced Negro spiritual growing admits this conception of Supreme Being as a process.

So if Supreme Being is a process, and if we are spirit children of Supreme Being who were created in the mental image and alikeness of God, then we must be a procedure also. And just because we voluntarily agreed to bury about our true nature when we entered this physical universe, it doesn't intend that we can never retrieve it again.

Quite the contrary. Actually, we have got the ability to retrieve who we really are whenever we make up one's mind that this recollection is something we take to experience. Just like everything in life, it is a choice. If you take not to remember, that is a pick also.

You are reading this article because you chose to read it. Cipher is forcing you to read it. You made a pick to read it in order to carry through a desire that is within you. You don't necessitate to analyse it any additional than that. Unless you take to.

Just like God, the Godhead military unit that is at the core of your beingness is love. Love is this cosmopolitan omniscient, omnipotent, and ubiquitous military unit that is the foundation of everything that have ever happened and ever will happen.

In the kingdom of the absolute, love is all there is. In the kingdom of the physical relative world, love is a conception that tin only be known by comparing it to the antonym of love or what we name fear.

That is the nature of our gross human relationships here in the existence of relativity. The existence of dichotomies states us that everything physical is either 1 thing or another, or some fluctuation between the two to some greater or lesser degree.

That is why we believe that we are all separate from each other. We are defining our human relationship to one another through our physical senses. These senses state us that a thing is either 1 thing or another, or some fluctuation between the two. That is the nature of the physical universe.

When we let the spirit portion of our being (mind-body-spirit) to be an equal spouse in how we define ourselves, then we would not only utilize the physical senses to qualify our existence but we would also utilize our nonphysical senses of feelings, intuition, deja vu, intentions, desires, second-sight and clairvoyance. These nonphysical senses are portion of our brand up just as much as our physical senses.

It is just like everything in our lives. We pull to us that which we set our attending on. We are constantly putting our attending on our physical senses when we dwell unconsciously. Almost everything that we meet in our day-to-day unrecordeds is defined, labeled and categorized by our physical senses.

If we set more than attending on using our nonphysical senses, we would get to develop a broader spectrum of things to analyse as we meet the people, topographic points and events that show up in our lives.

It is in the balance of our physical and nonphysical senses that we can be most effectual in interpreting the life process. Screening the human race entirely from the position of our physical senses uncovers a human race that we can only see through physical eyes, hear through physical ears, odor through physical noses, taste sensation through physical tongues, and experience through physical skins.

Even though we believe that this life is physical, we are also aware that we are receiving information from beginnings that are not portion of our physical centripetal apparatus. We impute these centripetal stimulations to our brains, which are physical, and then don't believe too much about how this ethereal input signal suits into the overall procedure of our existence.

In other words, we are not witting of the part that our nonphysical senses do in the overall procedure of the day-to-day living of our lives. Everything nonphysical looks to be processed by the brain, and that's good adequate for most people to name it physical because they don't desire to acquire confused by thought outside the box.

Most people living unconsciously just desire to believe in a human race where we are born, we undergo life as a physical form, and then we die. That is what they have got been told and that position goes what they integrate into their ain belief system.

This is not contributing to screening life as a process. When we construe our lives through just our physical senses, we are limiting the range of what we believe to be our existence. This limited position of our being as a whole is the chief conducive factor to the bounds we set on ourselves every day.

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