Freedom From Everything
For you to come up to the realisation of who you are is going to necessitate of you your surcease of the furthering out of your attending from this "you" of you that is already correct here and fluent through your eyes.
Your unwillingness or incapacity to acquire past this reluctance, opposition and lassitude of leaving alone the effort to try. Be who you believe you are have got you living in the land of trust where you trust to be given something that is going to alleviate you of the spasm that you wish to no longer feel.
Many of you see instructors in this hope that you volition miraculously have something that volition alleviate you of your agony while you go on on with the very chemical mechanism that have you suffering this spasm in the first place.
You hope that there is some sort of sweep dunk shot stopping point that will end all of this wretchedness that you have had to cover with in your life - this is what have brought on today's great enlightenment hunt and also the absolute nonsensicality that is portion of the attendant luggage that come ups with it. This luggage tags along for the ride.
If you were to inquire your instructors about the hurting and agony that they still experience on a day-to-day footing - within their continuing motion of learning that they did not acquire to where they had hoped to acquire to within their new schoolroom blossomings - it is guaranteed that you would not acquire an honorable answer. These instructors are still suffering, they just maintain quiet about it and in some cases, even to themselves.
If you wish to free up from being lost within the mechanics of where you happen yourself, then you are going to have got to larn to go forth alone this unconscious activity that you acquire up to which perpetuates your wretchedness on a fleeting basis. You will have got got to convey consciousness to your tabular array and this you will have enormous opposition to doing.
You are to happen this "you" of you that is already flowing through the eyes of this mind-body that you happen yourself flowing through. You are to happen this 1 and you are to halt at and as this 1 - on a minute by minute basis.
You will not have got an experience of this 1 that is already true of you, this "you" of you is completely beyond all experience. You have got to be this one. You come up to the knowing of who you are by being who you are and because it is "you" you can be it, even correct now.
There is huge joyousness in being who you are and contiguous freedom from everything, foremost the freedom from having to seek and be who you believe you are - this mind-body that you happen yourself flowing through and intimately involved with. Freedom from having to support any stance whatsoever from within your belief system.
Freedom from everything is a batch of freedom indeed - and this freedom is what is flowing through your eyes right now.
Labels: beyond, consciousness, Elysha, enlightenment, experience, Freedom From Everything, spiritual teacher